
Radians > Academics > History

The goal of the Social Studies Program is to develop students’ comprehension, evaluation, and analytical skills, and ability to make inferences and comparisons to promote the decision-making process. Moral values such as tolerance, diversity, respect, citizenship and appreciation of him/herself and others are emphasized.

Activities are designed to maintain students’ interest and desire to learn. Group work is encouraged to promote investigation and collaborative learning processes. Laptops and internet access in their classrooms provide students with the information needed for them to be exposed to historical research at a young age. Oral reports encourage them to believe in themselves and others. Videos used in classroom transport students to areas being studied and newspaper articles are used frequently as a tool of information. Furthermore, field trips are organized so they will have a firsthand experience of historical sites and monuments.

Special activities include “Descubrimiento de Puerto Rico”, celebration commemorating our Hispanic heritage. Representations, workshops, competitions, and relevant work are organized to commemorate the discovery of Puerto Rico in November. Our cultural values and mores are emphasized to promote a deep appreciation of our country and our Hispanic heritage.

Contact Info

Street 735 km 0.4 Bo. Montellano
Cayey, Puerto Rico 00737

+1 (787) 738-4822

Mon – Fri 7:00A.M. – 6:00P.M.

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